How can use a MATLAB value in Arduino Uno code?
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Kasper van Wijk
il 1 Apr 2015
Commentato: Raphael Ferreira
il 24 Feb 2018
Dear all,
I have a question regarding to sending information between MATLAb and an Arduino Uno. I have made a little Matlab program that detects red objects from a webcam, and labels their coordinates. Now i have a setup with an Arduino Uno that includes a servo. I want this servo to respond to the variable y-coordinate send from my matlab program. How do i do this?
my detection program is:
if true
cam = webcam;
thresh = 0.29;
nFrame = 0;
while(nFrame < 100)
imgRGB = snapshot(cam);
imgGrey = imsubtract(imgRGB(:,:,1), rgb2gray(imgRGB));
imgGrey = medfilt2(imgGrey, [3 3]);
imgGrey = im2bw(imgGrey, thresh);
imgGrey = bwareaopen(imgGrey,200);
bw = bwlabel(imgGrey, 8);
stats = regionprops(bw, 'BoundingBox', 'Centroid');
hold on
for object = 1:length(stats)
bb = stats(object).BoundingBox;
bc = stats(object).Centroid;
plot(bc(1),bc(2), '-m+')
a=text(bc(1)+15,bc(2), strcat('X: ', num2str(round(bc(1))), ' Y: ', num2str(round(bc(2)))));
set(a, 'FontName', 'Arial', 'FontSize', 12, 'Color', 'blue');
hold off
nFrame = nFrame+1;
the value bw(2) is the y-coordinate that i want to use to move my servo. what is the corresponding code that i should use in arduino? and matlab?
Kasper NL
1 Commento
khsuhhal qasimyar
il 2 Nov 2016
Modificato: Walter Roberson
il 2 Nov 2016
I am khushhal qasimyar from afghanistan i have final project smart soccer bots , in vision system i need your code to detect the red color and move servo with it send me your code if posibale i really need it urgently my mail is
Risposta accettata
Abhishek GS
il 6 Apr 2015
Hi Kasper van Wijk,
Once you have the MATLAB Arduino support package installed, go through this example which shows how to use the MATLAB Support Package to control a servo motor. Once you go through the example you will be able to modify it suit your algorithm of making the servo respond to 'bw(2)'.
Thanks, Abhishek
1 Commento
Più risposte (2)
kwstis xoustoulakis
il 16 Mag 2015
Hello! I have built a robotic arm with 3 servo and a camera mounted on the upper arms. Looking a code to detect red objects via the camera and move the arm at them. I suppose that something similar u have built ....? If you can help I would appreciate it !!! Thanks
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Raphael Ferreira
il 24 Feb 2018
Hello! I'm from Brazil. I need your code to apply in a neurosurgery softwrae. Please, if you can, please send this red color code to my email. E-mail: <> I'm grateful already!
2 Commenti
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