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Prepare a MATLAB code that develop Response Spectrum (Acceleration & Time ordinates) based on acceleration (m/s/s) & time(seconds) records contained in a .txt file?

39 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Prepare a MATLAB code that develop Response Spectrum (Acceleration & Time ordinates) based on acceleration (m/s/s) & time(seconds) records contained in a .txt file for multiple damping ratio (i.e. 0%, 2%, 5% etc.)?
Please find the attached acceleration-time record (.txt file).

Risposte (1)

UDAYA PEDDIRAJU il 10 Mag 2024
Hi Parvesh,
Try working with the below code snippet.
% Read data from the text file (assuming two columns)
[time, acceleration] = textscan('india.199110192123.abhat.dat_output.txt', '%f %f');
% Attempt conversion to numeric for entire time data (handle cell or numeric)
time = cellfun(@str2num, time); % Attempt conversion for all elements
catch ME % Catch potential conversion errors
warning('Error converting time data to numeric. Skipping response spectrum calculation.');
% Define damping ratio
damping_ratio = 0.05; % Adjust as needed
% ... (rest of the code from Approach 1)
% Mass (assuming a simple mass-spring system)
mass = 1; % You can replace this with your actual mass
% Stiffness (assuming a simple spring)
stiffness = 100; % You can replace this with your actual stiffness
% Damping matrix (proportional to mass and identity matrix)
damping = damping_ratio * mass * eye(length(time));
% Stiffness matrix
K = diag(2*ones(length(time)-1,1), 1) - diag(ones(length(time),1), 0); % Adjust for different systems
K(1,1) = stiffness; % Set first element for stiffness
% Solve eigenvalue problem (check for successful solution)
[V, D] = eig(mass*eye(length(time)), damping);
if ~all(isfinite(diag(D))) % Check for non-finite eigenvalues
warning('Eigenvalue problem encountered non-finite values. Skipping response spectrum calculation.');
% Handle potential mismatch between acceleration and V
num_rows_diff = size(V, 1) - size(acceleration, 1);
if num_rows_diff > 0
warning('Number of rows in acceleration is less than DOF in V. Truncating V (might affect accuracy).');
V = V(1:end-num_rows_diff, :); % Truncate V to match acceleration rows
% Modal transformation
q = V \ acceleration;
% Frequency response function (assuming equal spacing in time)
% Ensure time difference is calculated correctly
dt = diff(time); % Use diff for numeric time vector
if isempty(dt) % Handle potential single-element time data
warning('Time data might have a single element. Skipping response spectrum calculation.');
f = linspace(0, 1/(2*dt(1)), length(time)/2 + 1); % Frequency vector (adjust if needed)
omega = 2*pi*f;
H = zeros(length(f), size(V,2));
% Element-wise multiplication (avoiding unnecessary diagonals)
for j = 1:size(V,2)
H(:,j) = V(:,j)' .* freqresp(V(:,j), mass, damping(j,j), stiffness, [], omega);
% Absolute response spectrum (considering all modes)
response_spectrum = abs(sum(q.*H, 2));
% Plot the response spectrum
plot(time, response_spectrum);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)');
title('Response Spectrum (Damping Ratio: 5%)');
% Note: This code assumes a simple mass-spring system. Adjust K and mass for other systems.


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