Loop data in both x and y direction, and do linear fit of each y at each x

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have two matrice. matrix 1 (time points) is 96 by 1 (row is time); matrix 2 is 96 by 150 (attached). matrix 2 is the readout MSD data points at each time point (row) of 150 individual particle (column). I want to fit each MSD data of each particle at increased time point to y=ax+b and so on until the last time point, to get the fitted slope (a). In this way, I can obtain the slope of each particle at increased time points and study their diffusion behavior.
For example: time point 1 has one MSD readout, time point 2 has two MSD readout, time point 3 has three MSD readout. Each of them will generate an x,y line and I wanna find out the fitted slope of the x,y line to y=ax+b.
The matrix 1 can be written as:
time = 15:15:1440; %matrix 1
The result is ideally to be a slope matrix (96 by 150). I have very limited clue on how to do it, appreaciate if anyone know how to do this.
  5 Commenti
Umar il 11 Lug 2024
Hi Yang,
Please see response from @Matt J, is this the solution you are seeking regarding your recent comment.
Thanks @Matt J for your contribution and sharing your knowledge, highly appreciated.
Yang Hu
Yang Hu il 11 Lug 2024
Hi Umar,
I upload actual data point called 'MSDdata' to be more specific. Each row is the readout MSD data at different time points, time interval is 15 - row 1 is the MSD readout at time 15, row 2 is the readout at time 30 and so on.
Row 1 and row 2 MSD data will generate a connected curve with respect to their time points, and this curve will be fitted to y=ax+b to obtain a fitted slope. Due to the data variation, this generated curve will have different slopes over time. I would like to fit y=ax+b to each indidivual particles at increased time points til the end, and continue for all particles.

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Risposta accettata

Matt J
Matt J il 11 Lug 2024
t = 15:15:1440; %time
for i=1:height(A)
whos slopes
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes slopes 96x150 115200 double
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Più risposte (1)

Matt J
Matt J il 11 Lug 2024
Modificato: Matt J il 11 Lug 2024
Perhaps this is what you want.
matrix1=rand(96,1); matrix2=rand(96,150);
whos Xslope Tslope
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes Tslope 96x150 115200 double Xslope 96x150 115200 double
  1 Commento
Yang Hu
Yang Hu il 11 Lug 2024
Hi Matt, thank you for your response. I updated how the data actually are. I want to fit matrix2 (now called MSD data) to increased time points, not the individual time point they are at. For example, MSD data at time point 5 will generate a x,y line with MSD data from time point 1 to 5 at increased time interval (15). So I want to fit this x,y line at increased time points to y=ax+b individually.

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