"Maximum variable size allowed on the device is exceeded." when using predict on GPU

11 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello there,
I have a neural net and want to do a prediction using predict. When I do that I get the error
Error using dlnetwork/predict
Execution failed during layer(s) 'fc1'.
Caused by:
Error using parallel.internal.gpu.mtimesAdd
Maximum variable size allowed on the device is exceeded.
Afaik it's because on GPU Matlab only supports 2^32 elements in one array. Whats the best way to circumvent this?
I know I can disable the GPU completely by setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to -1, but I still want to use it in other functions.
The data I pass into predict is a normal array and not a gpuarray.
Is there a way to force predict to use CPU?

Risposta accettata

Joss Knight
Joss Knight il 1 Nov 2024
Modificato: Joss Knight il 1 Nov 2024
Is there a way to force predict to use CPU?
Yes. Pass data in as an in-memory array. If your data is on the device, you may need to call gather.
z = predict(net, gather(x));
If this does not work it will be because some of your network weights are on the GPU. So you may need to call gather on the network as well:
net = dlupdate(@gather, net);
net.State = dlupdate(@gather, net.State);
It's much more likely, however, that you're just passing too much data into your network. If you are trying to call predict on a large dataset, consider using minibatchpredict instead, to process the data in batches.

Più risposte (1)

Shivam Lahoti
Shivam Lahoti il 30 Ott 2024
Hi hanspeter,
I understand you are encountering a “Maximum variable size allowed on the device is exceeded" error when using predict on a GPU.
As you mentioned, the current maximum number of elements allowed in a gpuArray is intmax('int32'), or 2^31. This is because CUBLAS passes array lengths as int (int32_T). This is a known limitation and is mentioned in the documentation link below:
Moreover, none of the following can exceed intmax('int32'):
  • The number of elements of a dense array.
  • The number of nonzero elements of a sparse array.
  • The size in any given dimension. For example, zeros(0,3e9,'gpuArray') is not allowed.
I hope this helps you understand the issue.


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