How to make mlx export to use word's default template?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
When I use 'export' on a Live Script mlx file to docx, the output is created without the word template.
However, when use 'publish' on an m file, the output doc file uses the default word template.
How can I make mlx's 'export' function use the default word's template?

Risposte (1)

Abhishek Kumar Singh
Abhishek Kumar Singh il 4 Nov 2024
By default, the export function for MLX files converts them into PDF format. To export an MLX file to a DOCX format, you need to specify the 'Format' name-value argument. Additionally, you can customize options such as page size.
Here's an example of how to use the export function:
>> export("yourMLXfile.mlx", Format="docx", PageSize="Letter", OpenExportedFile=true)
Please refer to the documentation section here:
I hope this helps.
  1 Commento
Sasha Brodski
Sasha Brodski il 6 Nov 2024
Hi Abhishek, thanks for the answer but that wasn't where I had trouble. I was able to export to a .docx file (and other types as as well), but as I wrote in my original quention the issue I had that my original .docx template (i.e. my custom heading and footing which I defined in Word) is being overwritten when using Live Script's 'export' feature.

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