Why does my matrix not change with each iteration?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
In my code:
B = Bmat_4n(x,y,xi,eta);
for point = 1:length(xiList)
xi = xiList(point);
eta = etaList(point);
strain = B*U;
strainList(:, point) = strain;
I run 4 iterations (length of xilist) and I get 4 different xi and eta values as intended. B here refers to a seperate function file which when tested by itself naturally gives different results for B for different xi and eta values but when I run the loop here I get 4 times the same B matrix? what am I missing?
The B is meant to draw the matrix B at the end of the function file

Risposta accettata

Matt J
Matt J il 16 Nov 2024
Modificato: Matt J il 16 Nov 2024
I don't know why you think B should be changed by the loop when you generate it prior to the loop and never touch it again. Perhaps this is what you meant to have:
for point = 1:length(xiList)
xi = xiList(point);
eta = etaList(point);
B = Bmat_4n(x,y,xi,eta);
strain = B*U;
strainList(:, point) = strain;

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