how to calculate a derivative

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Nasir Qazi
Nasir Qazi il 26 Feb 2012
Commentato: Sergio E. Obando il 15 Giu 2024
can some one guide me how to calculate a derivative and integration in matlab . can you please give a little example.

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bym il 26 Feb 2012
syms x real
f = 1/x
int(f,1,2) % integration
ans =
diff(f) %differentiation
ans =
[edit - amplification]
syms x a b real positive
f = 1/x
f =
int(f) % without limits
ans =
int(f,a,b) % with limits
ans =
log(b) - log(a)
fn = matlabFunction(f) % convert symbolic to anonymous function
fn =
quadgk(fn,1,2) % integrate numerically
ans =
log(2) % previous result from symbolic integration
ans =
(fn(2+1e-6)-fn(2))/1e-6 %numerical derivative at fn(2)
ans =
subs(diff(f),2) %substitute 2 into symbolic result previously obtained
ans =
  5 Commenti
Jan il 27 Feb 2012
Yes, Nasir, then the integral is calculated from 1 to 2. "Symbolically" mean calculations with symbols, usually characters. The result is a formula. "Numerically" means, that you calculate a numerical value, a number.
Sergio E. Obando
Sergio E. Obando il 15 Giu 2024
Just here to suggest some recent resources, There is a nice section in the Symbolic Math Toolbox with additional examples for differentiation as well as a FEX curriculum on this topic:

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Più risposte (3)

Magdalena Glinska
Magdalena Glinska il 16 Nov 2020
f = @(x) sin(x);
second_derivative_f = matlabFunction(diff(sym(f)));

Hamza saeed khan
Hamza saeed khan il 24 Nov 2020
syms x
f = x;
why this code give me error as;
>>Error in diff (line 1)
syms x
  2 Commenti
Dheeresh agarwal
Dheeresh agarwal il 22 Dic 2020
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 22 Dic 2020
You probably do not have the symbolic toolbox installed or licensed.
Also, you accidentally named your script diff.m which is going to conflict with calling diff() to differentiate.

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Achimsettythanmay il 14 Nov 2022
Modificato: Walter Roberson il 15 Nov 2022
syms x real
f = 1/x
f = 
int(f,1,2) % integration
ans = 
diff(f) %differentiation
ans = 

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