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Azzera filtri

How DRS affects list of checks?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Shaku kaa
Shaku kaa il 21 Feb 2017
Commentato: Tjorben Gross il 16 Mag 2017
After adding DRS, no. of Green & orange checks got reduced but, gray check got increased . in our source file no. of green check got increased after applying DRS here i have applied a conditions of Called by generated main for this required source file & all the other files are made not to call by generated main. Is this a Positive one or am i making anything wrong here?
  1 Commento
Tjorben Gross
Tjorben Gross il 16 Mag 2017
Hi Shaku,
depending on the DRS settings (which is called constraints in more recent releases) and on the specific source code, I could imagine this kind of behavior. If you would be able to provide more concrete information on this, it would be easier to pinpoint the reason for the different results.
Best regards, Tjorben

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