Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

averaging a column in a image matlab

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
hasan alhussaini
hasan alhussaini il 8 Set 2017
Risposto: Image Analyst il 8 Set 2017
i'm getting an artefact in my image its going down, is there away to get rid of it?
i was thinking maybe use the column on the left and right to average it out?

Risposte (2)

KSSV il 8 Set 2017
Modificato: KSSV il 8 Set 2017
As you know the eliminate that particular column from the image.
I(:,1366) = [] ;
And then use imshow on I.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 8 Set 2017
Use a tophat filter, imtophat(). then threshold that and use it as a mask to replace it with the eroded image (local min). Something like (untested)
badPixels = imtophat(grayImage, ones(1, 3));
mask = badPixels > 4; % or whatever number works.
erodedImage = imerode(grayImage, ones(1,3)); % Get local min value.
grayImage(mask) = erodedImage(mask);


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