cell array into 3d matrix
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i have a cell array of size 104x104 with each cell having a matrix of size 1x1000. How can i convert this cell into a 3d matrix of size 104x104x1000 ??
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Risposte (4)
Hanan Shteingart
il 17 Nov 2013
You can concatenate cell array content using the "cat" function with this syntax: cat(dim, A{:}) where A is your cell array
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the cyclist
il 17 Apr 2012
Both of these should do the same thing (and I think it is the thing you want). The second is a little bit more transparent, but slower.
B1 = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(x)permute(x{:},[3 1 2]),A,'UniformOutput',false));
B2 = zeros(104,104,1000);
for i = 1:104,
for j = 1:104,
B2(i,j,1:1000) = permute(A{i,j},[1 3 2]);
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Sean de Wolski
il 17 Apr 2012
Or the pure matrix manipulation approach:
%Sample Data:
X = reshape(magic(50),1,[]);
C = cell(100,100);
C(:) = {X}; %100 x 100 cell array of xs
D = reshape(reshape(cell2mat(C)',numel(X),numel(C))',size(C,1),size(C,2),numel(X)); %some reshapin'
all(all(all(bsxfun(@eq,D(1,1,:),D)))) %Is it right?
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Andrei Bobrov
il 17 Apr 2012
Modificato: Andrei Bobrov
il 17 Nov 2013
permute(reshape(cell2mat(C).',numel(C{1}),size(C,2),[]),[3 2 1])
reshape(cat(1,A{:}),[size(C), numel(C{1})])
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