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Embedded Element Array with Inf Gnd Plane

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Joshua Goglio
Joshua Goglio il 22 Mag 2018
Chiuso: MATLAB Answer Bot il 20 Ago 2021
The example below shows how to perform an embedded element analysis of a particular array:
My problem is that I would like to rework this example, adding an infinite GND plane. This becomes an issue, since the Tilt/TiltAxis methods in Antenna Toolbox arrays cannot be used on a model with an infinite GND plane. Additionally, the CustomAntennaElement class assumes an element normal vector that does not coincide with the broadside pattern that I desire. This means that when you put the element into a phased.URA the elements are not oriented as in the Antenna Toolbox full-wave broadside array.
Is there any way to accomplish addition of an inf GND plane to the above example? I've tried rotating the CustomAntennaElement pattern, changing the embedded array's ArrayNormal property, and changing the elevation angle domain. None of these seems to work.

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