How to get statistical summary
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Mekala balaji
il 16 Ott 2018
Modificato: Guillaume
il 16 Ott 2018
I have below cell array,
Step 34
Step 56
Double 23
Stop 123
I want to get the summation and count of each category:
Desired output:
Step 90 2
Double 23 1
Stop 123 1
Continue 0 0
Here in the above example, no continue, but in some of my cases it exists. So for each scenario, I want to get the summation & count of: Step Double Stop Continue
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Risposta accettata
il 16 Ott 2018
The way I'd do this is first convert your cell array to a table whose first column is of type categorical:
democell = {'Step', 34; 'Double', 56; 'Step', 23; 'Stop', 123}
demotable = table(categorical(democell(:, 1), {'Step', 'Double', 'Stop', 'Continue'}), cell2mat(democell(:, 2)), 'VariableNames', {'category', 'value'})
Your summation is then trivial:
varfun(@sum, demotable, 'GroupingVariables', 'category', 'InputVariables', 'value')
2 Commenti
il 16 Ott 2018
Modificato: Guillaume
il 16 Ott 2018
Then, you'd have to use more or less Kevin's answer. I'd still stuff the input into a table and change the first column to categorical as it's easier to work with. I'd do the calculation like this:
catnames = categories(demotable.category)
[~, id] = ismember(demotable.category, catnames);
result = table(catnames, accumarray(id, 1, [numel(catnames), 1]), accumarray(id, demotable.value, [numel(catnames), 1]), 'VariableNames', {'category', 'count', 'sum'})
Più risposte (1)
Kevin Chng
il 16 Ott 2018
Modificato: Kevin Chng
il 16 Ott 2018
A = ["Step" "Step" "Double" "Stop" "Continue"];
B = [ 34 56 23 123 0]
[c,~,d] = unique(A);
out = [c',accumarray(d,B),countcats(categorical(A))']
2 Commenti
Kevin Chng
il 16 Ott 2018
Modificato: Kevin Chng
il 16 Ott 2018
change to
out = table(c',accumarray(d,B),[zeros(numel(A(B==0)))';countcats(categorical(A(B>0)))'])
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