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Index exeeds matix dimensions in loading image folder.

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Taiwo il 30 Lug 2012
Chiuso: MATLAB Answer Bot il 20 Ago 2021
am a new person with MATLAB, but I want to load some images saved in a folder into an array and display/process. the error am having is "index exceeds matrix dimension" the code is given below:
H = 'C:\Users\Adigun\Documents\Naira.jpg';
myFolder = dir(fullfile(H,'Image1*.jpg'));
myFile = {};
numImage = numel(myFile);
I = imread(myfile{1});
myArray = zeros([size(I) numImage], class(I));
myArray(:,:,1) = I;
for p = 2:numImage
myArray(:,:,p) = imread(myfile{p});
the error is on this line: I = imread(myfile{1});
Pls somebody help

Risposte (1)

Albert Yam
Albert Yam il 30 Lug 2012
If that is a direct copy of your code. Matlab is case sensitive, myFile and myfile.
myFile = {};
myArray(:,:,p) = imread(myfile{p}); %typo - Matlab is case sensitive

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