Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Create a uniform empty cells between 2 data in excel file?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I had a excel file having data at 30min interval for a day , size (48*1). Now I want to create it at 1min time interval with same data and keeping at same postion and between 2 data , create 30 empty cells.
for example see the excel file.......In desired output I only filled upto 6 data, simillary how can we fill it by matlab?

Risposte (1)

Raghunandan V
Raghunandan V il 12 Mar 2019
Please check this out:
[num, as,ads] = xlsread('m.xlsx');
%take the required data
A = num(1:48, 1:2);
%initialize B
B = zeros(30*48,2);
%initialize time stamp of B
B(:,1) = [1:30*48]';
for k=1:48
B(((k-1)*30 +1):k*30,2) = A(k,2);
you can write the result B into the excel
  2 Commenti
MUKESH KUMAR il 12 Mar 2019
If i had 30min interval data for full year then how to d this for 1 min time interval ?

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