How to pack value into an vector?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Jack Nguyen
Jack Nguyen il 22 Mag 2019
Modificato: Rik il 22 Mag 2019
Hi every one.
I have trouble packing values that are calculated into a vector hence what it does when I plot is that it only shows single plot point. Instead of plotting the whole values in pre-define vectors. Thank you in advance for help me out. I'm appreciated.
This is my code:
function run()
persistent gradual_opening_of_tap_file;
%% Set timer on
tmr = timer('ExecutionMode', 'FixedRate', ...
'Period', 1, ...
'TimerFcn', {@timerCallback});
gradual_opening_of_tap_file = fopen('Gradual_opening_of_tap.txt','r'); % Open gradual opening of tap data
function timerCallback(hObj, eventdata)
fgetl_tap_on_data = fgetl(gradual_opening_of_tap_file);
gradual_opening_of_tap = sscanf(fgetl_tap_on_data,'%f V,%i counts, %i ms');
V_s = 5;
p = 1000;
g = 9.81;
pressure_tap_on = [];
flow_rate_tap_on = [];
head_tap_on = [];
hydraulic_tap_on = [];
p = gradual_opening_of_tap(1);
counts = gradual_opening_of_tap(2);
time = gradual_opening_of_tap(3)/1000;
if ischar(fgetl_tap_on_data)
%% Im not too sure how to pack all these value back into pre-declared varibles for continuous plotting
pressure_tap_on(end+1,:) = (p/V_s - 0.04)/0.0018;
flow_rate_tap_on(end+1,:) = counts /330*(time/1000);
head_tap_on(end+1,:) = pressure_tap_on/(p*g);
hydraulic_tap_on(end+1,:) = flow_rate_tap_on .* pressure_tap_on/1000;
plot(time, pressure_tap_on,'ro');
plot(time, flow_rate_tap_on, 'ro');
plot(flow_rate_tap_on, head_tap_on, 'ro');
plot(flow_rate_tap_on, hydraulic_tap_on,'ro');
% set(a , 'XData', time, 'YData', pressure_tap_on)
% set(b , 'XData', time, 'YData', flow_rate_tap_on)
% set(c , 'XData', flow_rate_tap_on, 'YData', head_tap_on)
% set(d , 'XData', flow_rate_tap_on, 'YData', hydraulic_tap_on)
fclose all;

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