Fast multiplication: binary matrix with double matrix

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Hello everyone,
I am trying to speed up my Matlab code at the moment. The most time consuming part of the code is the multiplication of two matrices A*B, where A is binary (only 0 or 1 entries) and B is a double matrix.
The size of the matrices isn't that large, it's only time consuming because its in the inner loop of some iteration and thus is performed 100k upto a million times. (The matrix B is changing in each iteration, but A stays the same.) So each bit of performance speed-up could help me out here.
At the moment, I am just converting A from binary to double and use the standard matrix multiplication A*B. However, I wonder if there is a faster way to do it. since A is binary, A*B is not a 'real multiplication' but just an addition of some elements of B (defined by the non-zero pattern of A). Anyone has a clue how to do so? And neither A nor B are sparse, if that is important.
  5 Commenti
Florian il 6 Ago 2019
A and B don't need to be square, but size(A,2)==size(B,1). And yes, the loop is like
for k=1:numIterations
X = A*B;
%some other calculations on X
B = B+X;
A does not have replicated rows.
The structure in the mex file would be the same, but instead of having a multiplication inside the loop (element of A times element of B), there would be an if statement (if element of A is unequal 0) and an addition (add element of B to the result). The if statement could be moved to the outer loop I guess. So, I am not sure if that could save some time alltogether. But if there is no better approach, I might try to write this.
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong il 6 Ago 2019
I doubt you can beat MATLAB matrix multiplication (highly optimized) with MEX file. The time depends on little on the number of operations, but memory copying, etc ... count.

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Risposte (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 6 Ago 2019
It turns out to be faster to leave A as logical when you do the matrix multiplication.
Using logical indexing, or doing find() and adding only those elements, is much slower unless the occupancy fraction drops to below 10% as a rough estimate.
  4 Commenti
Florian il 6 Ago 2019
Modificato: Florian il 6 Ago 2019
I think you got my question wrong. I want to compute the product A*B. However, because A is binary, this product can be interpreted as "the addition of elements of B". My question was, if this fact can be used somehow to speed up A*B.
Also, how does A.*B sum up elements of B? Isn't it just setting some of the elements to zero?.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 6 Ago 2019
Ah, I guess I must have mis-interpreted the question.

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Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong il 6 Ago 2019
Modificato: Bruno Luong il 6 Ago 2019
Here is two ways, it won't be faster than A*B as other has warned you
n = 512;
A = sprand(n,n,0.1) > 0 ;
B = rand(n,n);
m = size(A,1);
p = size(B,2);
[i,j] = find(A);
C = zeros(m,p);
for k = 1:p
C(:,k) = accumarray(i,reshape(B(j,k),[],1),[m,1]);
m = size(A,1);
p = size(B,2);
[i,j] = find(A);
k = 1:p;
[I,K] = ndgrid(i,k);
C = accumarray([I(:),K(:)],reshape(B(j,k),[],1));
C = A*B;




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