How to obtain the date and time (datenum) of a .txt saved in the harddrive?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have multiple .txt files with mxn-arrays saved at different date and time.
I wonder if it is possible to write a command line that generates the date and time of the files?
Thank you for your attention

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Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek il 19 Set 2012
Modificato: Azzi Abdelmalek il 19 Set 2012
% your files are
% if your files are in folder "fold" use
  4 Commenti
Jan il 19 Set 2012
@Azzi: The order of fields replied by DIR is not documented. Although I assume, that TMW will not change the order, using the field names is safer:
D = dir('*.txt');
Dates = {};
Sorting the numerical date numbers is safer, because it does not fail when the day, month or year changes:
index = sort([D.datenum]);

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Più risposte (1)

Jan il 19 Set 2012
Modificato: Jan il 19 Set 2012
Which date and time do you mean? The creation date, the date of the last modification or the last access? The dir command replies the last modification date. To get the creation date, you can use FEX: FileTime under Windows:
D = dir(fullfile(Folder, '*.txt')); % Absolute files names are safer
Files = {};
Dates = cell(1, length(Files));
for iFile = 1:length(Files)
Dates{iFile} = GetFileTime(fullfile(Folder, Files{iFile}), ...
'Local', 'Creation');
If the modification date is ok, this is simpler:
D = dir(fullfile(Folder, '*.txt')); % Absolute files names are safer
Files = {};
Dates = {};
Then the Files are sorted alphabetically. If you want a chronological sorting:
[dummy, index] = sort([D.datenum]);
Files = Files(index);
Dates = Dates(index);
  3 Commenti
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek il 19 Set 2012
Modificato: Azzi Abdelmalek il 19 Set 2012
Simon, I downloades your submission GetFileTime.m, but it's empty (just comments)
Jan il 19 Set 2012
@Emerson: You forgot the quotes around the folder name. It will be more flexible to use a variable called "Folder" instead of hardcoding the folder in the code.
@Azzi: Then please read the comments. There you find instruction about the compilation of the included C-files. Unfortunately pre-compiled MEX-files are not allowe in the FileExchange, but you find a link to my homepage, where you can download pre-compiled files.

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