Create loop for multiple excel sheets/documents

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Hello everyone!
So I'm trying to extract some data from an multiple seperate documents, with each document containing multiple sheets
1) I have 12 documents in total, each with a varying amount of sheets (on average each one contains 24)
2) These documents obviously contain various column headings for the different variables
I have used the following code:
[~,SheetNames] = xlsfinfo('GaitAnalysisReportP1.xls');
nSheets = 25(SheetNames);
for i=1:nSheets
Name =SheetNames{ii};
data=[Data, xlsread['GaitAnalysisReportP1.xls',Name)];
To create sheetnames from one subjects data,
How can I loop this now to extract all of the sheets from all of my subjects? (P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12)

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Turlough Hughes
Turlough Hughes il 16 Dic 2019
Modificato: Turlough Hughes il 16 Dic 2019
One approach would be to use a nested structure with the first level down having a fieldname for each of the files, and then each file will have a level down for the individual sheets, so that might go something like this:
for c=1:length(fils)
[~,sheet_name] = xlsfinfo(fullfname); %get the sheetnames of the current file
for k = 1:numel(sheet_name)
[data, vnames{k}] = xlsread('examplefile.xlsx',sheet_name{k}); % load
s.(fils(c).name).(sheet_name{k}) = array2table(data,'VariableNames',vnames{k}); %format into a table
I haven't tested this, let me know how it goes.
  2 Commenti
Turlough Hughes
Turlough Hughes il 16 Dic 2019
I'm also assuming you have a folder which has all the files and that they are called
Cameron Kirk
Cameron Kirk il 16 Dic 2019
Hi Turlough,
Thanks for that!
I do indeed, they are in the same folder

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