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How to update json file with MATLAB?

63 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have json file that is read by MATLAB script. I’m looking for a way to update the file since there are many to update. I know I can fixed the MATLAB script but I want to keep it and just fix the details in the json file.
I could not upload the json file since it does not accept it here. I converted to a txt one.
What I need to do is the following (in row 209)
For example. I have "HighPrice" :12000 and I want to change it to "HighPrice" :11000,
Anyway, MATLAB can fix this rather than doing it manually please?

Risposta accettata

Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito il 10 Feb 2020
From R2016b, MATLAB can handle JSON format easily with jsondecode and jsonencode.
Here is a snippet to change the value of JSON and write to a file.
jsonText = fileread('Portfolio.json');
% Convert JSON formatted text to MATLAB data types (3x1 cell array in this example)
jsonData = jsondecode(jsonText);
% Change HighPrice value in Row 3 from 10000 to 12000
jsonData{3}.HighPrice = 12000;
% Convert to JSON text
jsonText2 = jsonencode(jsonData);
% Write to a json file
fid = fopen('Portfolio2.json', 'w');
fprintf(fid, '%s', jsonText2);
  4 Commenti
Roger Dettloff
Roger Dettloff il 3 Mar 2022
For a more human readable output:
jsonText2 = jsonencode(jsonData,'PrettyPrint',true);
Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito il 3 Mar 2022
Yes, 'PrettyPrint' option in jsonencode is available from R2021a.

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