MuPAD Differential equation solver

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Kenneth il 8 Apr 2011
I tried following the directions from:
on pg 8-12, but for some reason i'm getting an error with my syntax. I think it doesnt like how i'm writing apostrophe when i write y'(x).
Someone give me some ideas on how to make it work?
Thank you!
  4 Commenti
bym il 8 Apr 2011
not necessarily, but maybe. What is your equation?
Kenneth il 8 Apr 2011
I was just trying to do the example from the pdf file i found
I've written it as diffequation = ode(y'(x)-y(x)^2,y(x)) and it gives me the syntax error in matlab saying unexpected parenthesis or notation. I've never really used MuPAD before so I'm not sure how it works

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bym il 8 Apr 2011
Try using dsolve from the matlab command window. y'(x) would be 'Dy' as in
dsolve('Dy = x',<initial conditions>,'x')
so for the example it should be:
syms x y;
- untested -
  3 Commenti
Kenneth il 8 Apr 2011
Do you know if you can do higher order differential equations with the dsolve?
Kenneth il 8 Apr 2011
Nevermind. I read the instructions on dsolver more carefully. Thank you very much again! Really appreciate it

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Più risposte (1)

Billy il 5 Mag 2011
2 things:
  • Be very careful to enter y(x) (never just plain y).
  • In the MuPad statement you included with your comment, you need a colon:
diffequation = ode(y'(x)-y(x)^2,y(x))
Should be:
diffequation := ode(y'(x)-y(x)^2,y(x))
You can then
solve( diffequation )

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