Quad Rotor Trajectory Generation

8 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Mohamed Amine BELYAMANI
Mohamed Amine BELYAMANI il 19 Lug 2020
Risposto: Yahia Magdy il 1 Giu 2022
Hello Everyone,
I'm working on autonomous quadrotor, and I'm having problems with trajectory generation. I started initially with waypoints for take off and hovering.
function P = Trajectory(X)
% X is the measurement from the drone.
Z = X(3);
Zd = X(6);
Z_des = 5; % desired height is set at 5 meters
Zd_des = 11; % desired speed is set at 11 m/s
P = [0 0 Z_des 0 0 Zd_des 0 0 0 0 0 0 ];
% when the drone reaches the desired height, It should hover over the point, So I set the linear velocity at 0 m/s
if Z_des == z
P = [0 0 Z_des 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
I want to start generating complex trajectories.
I'm wondering how I should develop these trajectories using waypoitns ?
  1 Commento
Zahid Abbas
Zahid Abbas il 30 Set 2020
Hello Mohamed I am working on making a waypoint follower for multi agent system for testing my optimized algorithm can u help in this regard on what direction should I follow

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Risposte (3)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 19 Lug 2020
I don't know what "waypoitns" is, but for what it's worth, I'm attaching my trajectory/projectile program that computes a ton of stuff about a projectile.

Cam Salzberger
Cam Salzberger il 20 Lug 2020
Hey Mohamed,
Have you looked into the uavWaypointFollower and its Simulink block equivalent in Robotics System Toolbox's UAV Library? It's not exactly trajectory generation, but it may be more useful to your end goal.
  2 Commenti
Mohamed Amine BELYAMANI
Mohamed Amine BELYAMANI il 21 Lug 2020
Yes, It is a useful tool to work with, but considering complex trajectories or/and obstacle avoindance, I might need a script that take into account different factors while generating trajectories.
From now the main objective is how to generate a set of waypoints so I can :
  • make the drone follow up on each step time given.
  • derive velocity and acceleration as to generate desired Euler angles and angulare rates.
Yahia Magdy
Yahia Magdy il 31 Mag 2022
السلام عليكم محمد...
هل ممكن ان تساعدني في جعل الطائرة تحوم على مسافة صفر ,,ثم جعلها ترتفع الى مسافة واحد متر في زمن اقل من واحد ثانية

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Yahia Magdy
Yahia Magdy il 1 Giu 2022
can you help me in ...
Make the quadrotor be stable at a distance of zero...
then make it rise to one meter in less than one second time, and a maximum of 4%.


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