DO I need Image processing tool box to upload image into GUI

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I dont have "imshow" command in my matlab 2012b,,,,is it because i don haver image processing toolbox

Risposte (2)

Jurgen il 22 Gen 2013
Modificato: Jurgen il 22 Gen 2013
I think this should work?
I = imread('file_on_path.jpg')
  3 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 23 Gen 2013
What do you mean by "squeezing" ? Are you talking about the colors, or about the image size, or about the axis proportions ?
Arun Badigannavar
Arun Badigannavar il 23 Gen 2013
about the image size,,,the connections of simulink model which i am uploading are not visible and blocks are squeezed,,,and charecters which are there in the image re not clear

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 23 Gen 2013
You can use image() without the Image Processing Toolbox. You can also use imagesc() but it applies some weird colormap by default that you'll most likely need to correct with colormap() function to a more appropriate colormap, like gray. image() applies a grayscale color map by default. With either one you can still call colormap to apply whatever colormap you want.
  1 Commento
Arun Badigannavar
Arun Badigannavar il 23 Gen 2013
AAccording Mr jurgen i tried but up;oaded image is not clear,,,irts squeezing the image...any other way to import image with altering it

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