Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How to find longest sequennce within a character array?

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
lets say Im given a random character array such as: 'aaabee' and i want to find the longest sequence of vowels. How would i go about doing this?
so far I have:
cArr = 'aaabee';
vow = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
ans = strfind(cArr, vow);
but this just returns: [ ]
anyhelp would be appreciated!

Risposte (2)

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza il 16 Nov 2020
Modificato: Ameer Hamza il 16 Nov 2020
You can use regexp
cArr = 'xzyhd';
vow = '([aeiou]+)';
tkns = regexp(cArr, vow, 'tokens');
if isempty(tkns)
n = 0;
n = max(cellfun(@numel, [tkns{:}]));
>> n
n =
  3 Commenti
That Guy
That Guy il 16 Nov 2020
Modificato: That Guy il 16 Nov 2020
this works, i just need it to output zero when a string without vowels is entered such as 'xzyhd' or ' ' .
sorry im so helpless this is my first experince with coding:(
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza il 16 Nov 2020
I have updated the answer. Now it will output 0 for the mentioned cases.

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Setsuna Yuuki.
Setsuna Yuuki. il 16 Nov 2020
Modificato: Setsuna Yuuki. il 16 Nov 2020
cArr = 'aaabee';
vow = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
for n=1:length(vow)
a = strfind(cArr, vow(n)); %search letter by letter
repeat{n} = a; %place in "cArr"
if (a ~= NaN)
long(n) = length(a); %number of repetitions
long(n) = 0;
t = table(vow',long')
  4 Commenti
Setsuna Yuuki.
Setsuna Yuuki. il 16 Nov 2020
Modificato: Setsuna Yuuki. il 16 Nov 2020
has been interesting this problem, i changed all code because I understood bad your problem.
clear large;
cArr = 'aaeeaaapriioaeaaa';
vow = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
var = 1;
for n=1:length(vow)
a = strfind(cArr, vow(n));
if(var == 1)
var = sort(var); m = 0;
cont = 1;
for n = 1:length(var)-1
if(var(n) == (var(n+1)-1) && n ~= length(var)-1)
cont = cont +1;
elseif (var(n) ~= (var(n+1)-1))
m = m+1;
large(m) = cont;
cont = 1;
elseif(n == (length(var)-1))
cont = cont+1;
m = m+1;
large(m) = cont;
[longSeq, index] = max(large);
fprintf("The longest sequence is %i and is the sequence %i \n",longSeq, index);
I think I did this in C ++ jaja xd
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 16 Nov 2020
What's the use case for this quirky thing? Why do you need to do it? It's not your homework you're asking people to do for you, is it? What's the real world use for this?

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