how to use the 'solve' function?
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hello, im having problem trying to use the solve problem. it's not my first time using it but thata the first time its not working. i have this code line:
tmp = solve('x/L = (1-(h+eta)/ho) - A*log(((h+eta)/ho - A)/(1-A))','eta');
all the parameters are known except 'eta', still it does not provide a solution.
how can i fix it? any sugestions? thank you
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Risposte (6)
il 27 Mar 2013
Using arbitrary values for x, h, h0, A and L
>> syms eta;
>> x=1;h=1;ho=1;A=0.1;L=1;
>> f=x/L -(1-(h+eta)/ho) - A*log(((h+eta)/ho - A)/(1-A));
>> eval(solve(f,eta))
ans =
-1.1068 - 0.2302i
1 Commento
Jaimie Ritchie
il 22 Nov 2023
This was incredibly helpful to me in learning to use the solve function. I was able to plug in my equation and get a result. Thank you!
il 27 Mar 2013
>> tmp = solve('x/L = (1-(h+eta)/ho) - A*log(((h+eta)/ho - A)/(1-A))','eta')% no semicolon here
tmp =
A*ho - h + (ho - A*ho)/(exp(wrightOmega(log((ho - A*ho)/(A*ho)) - (x/L + h/ho - (h - A*ho)/ho - 1)/A))*exp((x/L + h/ho - (h - A*ho)/ho - 1)/A))
It does give a solution.
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