what is wrong?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Sahab il 11 Mag 2011
why it show error
??? Error using ==> cat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.
Error in ==> @(i)cat(3,randperm(m)',[11*ones(N(1,i),1);22*ones(N(2,i),1);33*ones(N(3,i),1);44*ones(N(4,i),1)])
AA = [m 7];
B = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(i)cat(3,randperm(m)',[11*ones(N(1,i),1);22*ones(N(2,i),1);33*ones(N(3,i),1);44*ones(N(4,i),1)]),1:size(N,2),'un',0));
x = B(sub2ind(szAA,B(:,:,1),cumsum(ones(AA),2))+prod(AA));
i cant understand what the problem,can someone help me?
  1 Commento
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski il 11 Mag 2011
I don't know but that equation above is painful on the eyes.

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Risposta accettata

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov il 12 Mag 2011
Hi Sahab! More variant solving your problem
AA = [m 7];
if any(t), I1 = randi(size(N,1)-1); N(I1,:) = N(I1,:)-t; end
x = zeros(AA);
xx = 11*(1:4)';
for j = 1:size(N,2)
x(randperm(AA(1)),j) = ...
  1 Commento
Sahab il 13 Mag 2011
thanks andrei, this is what i need.. :D

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Più risposte (2)

Matt Fig
Matt Fig il 11 Mag 2011
The problem is that in your first N, all of the values sum to m:
and the second does not.
In order to get away from the CAT error, you need all(sum(N)==m) to return true.
  1 Commento
Sahab il 13 Mag 2011
thanks for the replied Matt Fig. this help me too,but andrei bobrov solution is what i need.

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Andy il 11 Mag 2011
When you cat along the third dimension, the first two dimensions must match up. Let's look at what your cat-ing. First, you have randperm(m)', a column vector of size [m 1], where m is always 22. Then you have
For, say, i=1, this has size [N(1,1)+N(2,1)+N(3,1)+N(4,1), 1]. This is a column vector of length 23 (and the length will be different depending on i). So the dimensions don't match up correctly.
What are you really trying to do with this code?
  2 Commenti
Sahab il 11 Mag 2011
when i change the value of N=[8,11,18,7,9,8,13;6,2,1,5,3,6,1;4,3,2,5,5,4,6;4,6,1,5,5,4,2]
it show no error..why i cant use N=[11,9,11,10,10,9,9;7,7,7,7,7,7,7;4,5,4,4,4,5,5;1,1,1,1,1,1,1];
what should i change?
Andy il 11 Mag 2011
Matt Fig responded correctly in his answer below, except I think he intended:
all(sum(N) == m)
rather than
all(sum(N)) == m
It is either an accident that one of your values of N satisfies this constraint (which MUST be satisfied for the cat to work), or the N which does not work was incorrectly calculated somehow. Again, could you describe what your code is supposed to accomplish? How is N calculated? What are B and x ultimately supposed to hold? Can you give a small example of some input and the desired output?

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