Write legend on for loop plot
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Santos García Rosado
il 30 Mar 2021
Commentato: Mathieu NOE
il 30 Mar 2021
Hello Mathworks community,
I'm using the following loop to plot a graph for different scenarios:
X = [1.182, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2]
NumberOfScenarios = [1, 2, 3]
Scenarios = string(NumberOfScenarios);
meanofscenarios = [0.8753 0.8685 0.8617 0.9099 0.9062 0.902 0.9044 0.9010 0.8975 0.9067 0.9030 0.8993 0.9141 0.9108 0.9076 0.9178 0.9147 0.9117]
for p = 1:numel(NumeroBESS)
plot(X, meanofscenarios(p : numel(NumberOfScenarios) : end), 'linewidth', 2); hold on
title('Title','FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13); xlabel('Ratios DC/AC', 'FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13); ylabel('Porcentaje de almacenamiento efectivo', 'FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13)
legend('Scenario %d ', Scenarios(p)); hold on
I'm getting the graph I desire but I'd like the legend to display: Scenario 1, Scenario 2 and Scenario 3, but I'm not getting the expected output. I'm attaching an image of the plot I'm getting.
Could someone please give me a hand?
Than you
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Mathieu NOE
il 30 Mar 2021
try this :
X = [1.182, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2]
NumberOfScenarios = [1, 2, 3]
Scenarios = string(NumberOfScenarios);
meanofscenarios = [0.8753 0.8685 0.8617 0.9099 0.9062 0.902 0.9044 0.9010 0.8975 0.9067 0.9030 0.8993 0.9141 0.9108 0.9076 0.9178 0.9147 0.9117]
figure(1),hold on
for p = 1:numel(NumeroBESS)
plot(X, meanofscenarios(p : numel(NumberOfScenarios) : end), 'linewidth', 2);
title('Title','FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13);
xlabel('Ratios DC/AC', 'FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13);
ylabel('Porcentaje de almacenamiento efectivo', 'FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13)
legend_str{p} = (['Scenario ' num2str(Scenarios(p))]);
hold off
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