Write legend on for loop plot

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Santos García Rosado
Santos García Rosado il 30 Mar 2021
Commentato: Mathieu NOE il 30 Mar 2021
Hello Mathworks community,
I'm using the following loop to plot a graph for different scenarios:
X = [1.182, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2]
NumberOfScenarios = [1, 2, 3]
Scenarios = string(NumberOfScenarios);
meanofscenarios = [0.8753 0.8685 0.8617 0.9099 0.9062 0.902 0.9044 0.9010 0.8975 0.9067 0.9030 0.8993 0.9141 0.9108 0.9076 0.9178 0.9147 0.9117]
for p = 1:numel(NumeroBESS)
plot(X, meanofscenarios(p : numel(NumberOfScenarios) : end), 'linewidth', 2); hold on
title('Title','FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13); xlabel('Ratios DC/AC', 'FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13); ylabel('Porcentaje de almacenamiento efectivo', 'FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13)
legend('Scenario %d ', Scenarios(p)); hold on
I'm getting the graph I desire but I'd like the legend to display: Scenario 1, Scenario 2 and Scenario 3, but I'm not getting the expected output. I'm attaching an image of the plot I'm getting.
Could someone please give me a hand?
Than you

Risposta accettata

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE il 30 Mar 2021
try this :
X = [1.182, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2]
NumberOfScenarios = [1, 2, 3]
Scenarios = string(NumberOfScenarios);
meanofscenarios = [0.8753 0.8685 0.8617 0.9099 0.9062 0.902 0.9044 0.9010 0.8975 0.9067 0.9030 0.8993 0.9141 0.9108 0.9076 0.9178 0.9147 0.9117]
figure(1),hold on
for p = 1:numel(NumeroBESS)
plot(X, meanofscenarios(p : numel(NumberOfScenarios) : end), 'linewidth', 2);
title('Title','FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13);
xlabel('Ratios DC/AC', 'FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13);
ylabel('Porcentaje de almacenamiento efectivo', 'FontName', 'Cambria', 'FontSize', 13)
legend_str{p} = (['Scenario ' num2str(Scenarios(p))]);
hold off
  4 Commenti
Santos García Rosado
Santos García Rosado il 30 Mar 2021
Thank's Mathieu! This works better in my case. Thank's for the help!
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE il 30 Mar 2021
you're welcome !

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