Select a rectangle in a image.

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Sunil  Shahi
Sunil Shahi il 9 Ago 2013
I have a image displayed in a imscrollpanel or figure. and I have a few rectangle drawn on top of it the facecolor is none. I have a ButtonDownFcn associated to each of these rectangles. I have something like:
ax = axes;
imshow(Image, [])
rectangle('parent', ax,...
'position', [20 20 100 100],...
'EdgeColor', 'r',...
'ButtonDownFcn', @(~,~)(disp('rectangle was selected.')))
The above code works but I need to click right on the edge of rectangle to make it work. My question is is there any smart way so that I can select rectangle by clicking inside rectangle? I could choose a face color to make it work but then I cannot see the image. So that does not help.
Thanks in advance

Risposte (2)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek il 9 Ago 2013
Maybe you are looking for imrect function
  1 Commento
Sunil  Shahi
Sunil Shahi il 9 Ago 2013
I already looked into imrect function. I do not want to change the position of rectangle. I just want to select them more convinently.. so imrect does not work either

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 10 Ago 2013
How about ginput(1)?


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