Plotting ROI

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
ram m
ram m il 20 Giu 2011
[EDIT: 20110620 16:25 CDT - reformat - WDR]
I am working with video on matlab.
I want to mention ROI(one or more) in the frames.
I get the starting and the ending macro block numbers and I make a rectangle and plot the ROI.
The problem with my code is, I am able to plot the box on the image if I have one ROI, but I am not able to mention two ROI, it gets updated to the new set:)
I want to plot two ROIs on a frame.
(I have the code I have written , can any one help em with that)
Thank you in advance.
close all;
clear all;
frames = yuv2mov('coastguard_dec.yuv',352,288,'420');
MB_map = importdata('roiOutput.dat');
PicWidthInMbs = 22;
ROI = 2;
[r1 c1]=size(frames);
[r c]=size(I);
for i=1: %framenumber
for j=1:ROI
top_left(j) = I(j,1);%+1;
bottom_right(j) = I(j,2);%+1;
fprintf('topleft=%d bottomright =%d \n',top_left(j),bottom_right(j));
yTopLeft(j) =
xTopLeft(j) =
yBottomRight(j) =
xBottomRight(j) =
xstart(j) = xTopLeft(j)*16+1;
ystart(j) = yTopLeft(j)*16+1;
yend(j) = yBottomRight(j)*16+16+1;
xend(j) = xBottomRight(j)*16+16+1;
frame1 = frames(i).cdata(:,:,:);
%hold on
hold on
hold on

Risposte (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 20 Giu 2011
Move the line
frame1 = frames(i).cdata(:,:,:);
to be between the "for i" and "for j" loops.
  3 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 20 Giu 2011
VideoWriter is the recommended method these days, but if you have older software then you may need to use movie2avi()
ram m
ram m il 20 Giu 2011
Thank you Sir

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