Problem 1257. PONG 001: Player vs Wall, 4 Lives, Interactive download
Variation of the Original Classic PONG game brought to Cody.
Attempt to keep the ball alive against a Wall. The ball speeds up on every hit. When it is missed it restarts at a new location. The start locations and sequences are purely deterministic. Movement of the paddle are max up/down steps of -1 to 1 (effective delta 50) or no move. Partial paddle moves allowed.
Paddle center is provided and paddle covers +/- 50 units. The field is square at 1000 by 1000 with 3 walls and the lower left corner being (0,0)
To aid in development of your routine, a PONG_Interactive_001a.m file that creates a solver script and video has been posted at PONG_Interactive_001a.m. (Right click, 'save link as'). The routine creates a PONG_001_solver.m script from the interactive play. The script demonstrates Interactivity, figure/KeyPressFcn, listdlg, and VideoWriter.
PONG Interactive 63 Returns (MP4)
Inputs: (paddle,ball)
paddle = 500 ; Paddle Center on the Y-axis, Paddle is +/- 50 from center ball=[500 500 40 60]; % x y vx vy Posiiton and Velocity, Treated as a Point
Output: Direction
1 Up, -1 is Down, 0-No move Paddle moves 50*direction, half paddle step. abs(direction)<=1 is allowed
Pass Criteria: 10 hits, a score of 450 or better
Scoring: 100 - 5 * Hits + 100 * Lives, (500 - 5 * hits for < 100 hits)
Game Theory: Position Paddle to minimize travel to next location. Vx=1.1*Vx and Vy=1.05*Vy after every return.
Near Future: Paddle vs Paddle (Mirror). Followed by Angle varation based on Paddle/Ball Position
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