Problem 44248. Mastermind V: Optimal Solver - average number of guesses
The following description contains a copy of Richard Zapor's Mastermind IV: Optimal Solver - max of 5 guesses
Mastermind is a code breaking logic puzzle. A pattern of 6 colors(values 1:6) of four positions (1111;1112;....6666) for a possible 6^4(1296) cases is generated. The solver plays a length 4 vector with values 1:6. Accuracy of the play is returned by a count of values in the right position and a count of values(excluding those in the right positions) common to the solution.
Answer:1233 Guess:3231 Response: 2,2 as x23x are right value/position, 3xx1 are right values.
where guess is a 1x4 vector, mguess is the kx4 matrix of prior guesses and is empty on first try, mpegs is kx2 giving right [value/position, values] for mguess, m is a 1296x4 array [1 1 1 1;...6 6 6 6] of all solutions, mpc is a 1296x1296 array of 0:4 for value/position solutions, mc is a 1296x1296 array of 0:4 for value solutions, mpc5c is state array of a combined mpc and pc of values 0:20, 5*mpc+mc, and v is integer value of solutions 1111 thru 6666. will be provided.
Scoring: the average number of guesses of all 1296 cases.
See Also:
Mastermind I: Solve all 1296 cases
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Problem Comments
@yurenchu, ismember/ismembc2 perform a binary search in runtime complexity O(logn), faster than a linear search with runtime complexity O(n).
I wasn't aware of stuff like that. Thanks for the interesting information and weblink, it's indeed helpful. However, it seems that 7300 game iterations doesn't offer much space to implement experimentative/lengthier/more extensive algorithms (such as ones considering ps(k,:) instead of ps(k,k) as the search space for the next best guess), without hitting Cody's time limit. (At least not to a person like me who doesn't know which built-in MATLAB functions work fast and which work "slowly".) But anyway, still very interesting problem/challenge.
@yurenchu. Let's take this as an additional challenge :-)
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