Problem 2652. Kurchan 5x5 - Optimal Score
Related to Problems 1646 and 2650, but bigger. Technically, all you need to do for this Cody problem is input a 5x5 matrix containing the numbers 1-25. However, your score will be the Kurchan value of the matrix, which is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum of the products for the rows, columns, diagonals, and anti-diagonals of the matrix.
For example: Magic(5) is
17 24 1 8 15
23 5 7 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
The row products are:
- 17 * 24 * 1 * 8 * 15=48960
- 23 * 5 * 7 * 14 * 16=180320
- 4 * 6 * 13 * 20 * 22=137280
- 10 * 12 * 19 * 21 * 3=143640
- 11 * 18 * 25 * 2 * 9=89100
The column products are:
- 17 * 23 * 4 * 10 * 11=172040
- 24 * 5 * 6 * 12 * 18=155520
- 1 * 7 * 13 * 19 * 25=43225
- 8 * 14 * 20 * 21 * 2=94080
- 15 * 16 * 22 * 3 * 9=142560
The diagonal products are:
- 17*5*13*21*9=208845
- 24*7*20*3*11=110880
- 1*14*22*10*18=55440
- 8*16*4*12*25=153600
- 15*23*6*19*2=78660
The anti-diagonal products are:
- 15*14*13*12*11=360360
- 8*7*6*10*9=30240
- 1*5*4*3*2=120
- 24*23*22*21*25=6375600
- 17*16*20*19*18=1860480
The highest value is 6375600, while the lowest is 120. Therefore, the score of this matrix is 6375480. Your Cody score will be the Kurchan score of your matrix.
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Problem Comments
Rafael S.T. Vieira
on 21 Jul 2020
I went for the minimum score that I was able to find at least, and
found 102810. Moreover, I submitted the algorithm and the hardcoded solution.
Dyuman Joshi
on 2 Oct 2021
Shame that feval doesn't work anymore
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