Problem 46706. Kaggle: Planetoid Game of Life - Total Score 0.10
Kaggle's Conway's Reverse Game of Life 2020 contest inspires this Life challenge. The kaggle contest runs from Oct-01-2020 thru Nov-30-2020. References: Game of Life at Wolfram. Wiki Life. The Kaggle event is 50K cases to solve for a state 1 to 5 iterations prior to a given state. Imperfect solutions are allowed but penalized. Input file to Kaggle is a csv so Matlab solutions can be posted at the Kaggle site for this event.
This Challenge is to Solve the 50K puzzles with a Score <= 0.10, Kaggle Top 25 result, per these revised Life Laws. Trivial solutions are where the Final state may match the Start State.
1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if caused by under-population.
2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overcrowding.
4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
5. Edges wrap around. Eight Neighbors. (Change to normal planar life)
Note: The edges wrap so the matrix represents the surface of a sphere.
Input: (mtest) the Finish state matrix of 50K rows of [casenumber, iterations, 625 values]
Output: (mstart) the Starting state matrix of 50K puzzles, [casenumber, 625 values]
Top Scores: Zapor: 0.0818, 2556293 errors
Hint: A Greedy Complete Single Adjacent bit flip can score <.0.09. Non-optimized processing time for Greedy Complete was 25Ksec. Candidate bits to flip are all wrap-convolve of Goal matrix with kernel ones(3). First test for trivial solution. Process all bit flips on current optimal solution starting with Goal matrix. Make first best scoring solution the new optimal solution. Iterate on optimal solutions until no improvement on any single candidate bit flip. Greedy Complete for iterations=1 creates 176 solves not counting the 532 Trivial iteration 1 cases.
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