GUI for distillation columns: McCabe and Thiele Method.

GUI tool for estimating the theoretical number of plates of a distillation column
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Aggiornato 29 gen 2009

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This GUI uses a constant relative volatility (alpha) to estimate the equilibrium curve. From there, the GUI uses the "McCabe and Thiele Graphical Method" to estimate the ideal number of plates in the column.

A reference is provided in the GUI: look in Help/About.

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Cita come

Claudio Gelmi (2025). GUI for distillation columns: McCabe and Thiele Method. (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R14SP3
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Windows macOS Linux

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Versione Pubblicato Note della release

- Help's information.

- A better way of detecting non-feasible distillations was incorporated. Thanks Jakub Kopáč.

- More precision was given to the equilibrium curve and theoretical stages.