
Write gridded data set in Arc ASCII Grid Format
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Aggiornato 17 nov 2015

arcgridwrite(fileName,X,Y,Z)- converts data in a matlab
grid into a text file in Arc ASCII Grid Format.

fileName: output filename including extension
X: X coordinates (vector 1 x N)
Y: Y coordinates (vector m x 1)
Z: gridded data (m x n)


arcgridwrite(...,'precision',5) - changes default output
from 3 to 5 decimal places.

arcgridwrite(...,'nodata',-32768) - changes no data value
from -9999 (default) to -32768.

arcgridwrite(...,'grid_mapping','center') - changes the
grid spatial reference from 'corner' (default) to 'center'.
This is useful when combining output from the mapping
toolbox's PIXCENTERS function.

EXAMPLE 1 - create a raster grid of the peaks function

Because the Arc ASCII format has only one parameter for cell size,
both X and Y must have the same, non-varying grid spacing.

Cita come

Andrew Stevens (2025). arcgridwrite (, GitHub. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2015a
Compatibile con qualsiasi release
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

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Versione Pubblicato Note della release

Finally incorporated lots of comments from everyone. Thanks!
Linked to github repository
changed description, help and example

change keyword in header from corner to center.

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