
Versione (5,21 KB) da M MA
Wind rose of direction and intensity
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Aggiornato 17 giu 2010

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D Directions
I Intensities
-dtype, type of input directions D, standard or meteo,
if meteo, the conversion dnew=mod(-90-D,360) is done;
if not meteo, standard is used (default)
-n, number of D subdivisons
-di, intensities subdivisons, default is automatic
-ci, percentage circles to draw, default is automatic
-labtitle, main title
-lablegend, legend title
-cmap, colormap [jet]
-colors, to use instead of colormap, for each di
-quad, Quadrant to show percentages [1]
-ri, empty internal radius, relative to size of higher
percentage [1/30]
-legtype, legend type: 1, continuous, 2, separated boxes [2]
-bcolor, full rectangle border color ['none']
-lcolor, line colors for axes and circles ['k']
-percbg, percentage labels bg ['w']
-ax, to place wind rose on pervious axes, the input for ax
must be [theax x y width], where theax is the previous
axes, x and y are the location and width is the wind
rose width relative to theax width (default=1/5)
-parent, by default a new axes is created unless parent is
given, ex, parent may be a subplot
-iflip, flip the intensities as they go outward radially, ie,
highest values are placed nearest the origin [{0} 1]
-inorm, normalize intensities, means all angles will have 100%
-incout, if 0, data outside di limits will not be used [0 {1}]

HANDLES Handles of all lines, fills, texts
DATA Wind rose occurences per direction and intensity

Cita come

M MA (2025). Wind_rose (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R13
Compatibile con qualsiasi release
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

Ispirato: Wind Rose / Energy Rose, Wind Rose

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Versione Pubblicato Note della release

Small Bug fix. The percentages where wrong when using intensities equal to the lower value of the highest intensity subdivision, basically an academic case.

Small Bug fix. The percentages where wrong when using intensities equal to the lower value of the highest intensity subdivision, basically an academic case.

Added incout option: if 0, data outside di limits will not be considered. By default is 1.

-Added varargin option parent, to select the axes/subplot where to place the wind rose
- bug fix: when di, was not provided the auto mode could, in some cases, merge the data of the two smallest subdivisions

Added varargin iflip:
flip the intensities as they go outward radially, ie, highest values are placed nearest the origin [{0} 1]