Manage and Dock Figures into Group

SETFIGDOCKED docks figures at specified positions in group of figures
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Aggiornato 23 lug 2012

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group = setfigdocked('PropertyName1',value1,'PropertyName2',value2,...)
- GroupName name of group need to be generated
- GridSize scalar or vector quantity, defines number of rows
and columns of cell in group
- SpanCell vector or matrix quantity, size n x 4,
[row col occupiedrows occupiedcols]
build an cell at the position (row, col) in group
cell (GridSize) which occupies "occupiedrows"
rows and "occupiedcols" columns
- Figure handle of figure
- Figindex index position of figure in group cell
- Maximize 0/1, maximize group
- GroupDocked 0/1, dock group

group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','GridSize',3,'SpanCell',[1 2 2 2]);
im1 = imread('cameraman.tif');
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',2);

figure; edge(im1,'prewitt');set(gcf,'Name','Prewitt method','NumberTitle','off')
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',1);

figure; edge(im1,'roberts');set(gcf,'Name','Roberts method','NumberTitle','off')
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',3);

figure; edge(im1,'roberts');set(gcf,'Name','Roberts method','NumberTitle','off')
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',4);

figure; edge(im1,'roberts');set(gcf,'Name','Roberts method','NumberTitle','off')
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',5);

figure; edge(im1,'canny');set(gcf,'Name','Canny Method','NumberTitle','off')
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',6);

group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Maximize',1,'GroupDocked',0);

Cita come

Anh Huy Phan (2025). Manage and Dock Figures into Group (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R14SP3
Compatibile con qualsiasi release
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux
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Versione Pubblicato Note della release

fix error caused by empty jpanel

Fixed error on Matlab 2011, and allow multiple figures docking in the same cell.

Fix errors on Matlab v2009 and later releases

Fix errors which occur MATLAB v.2009 and later release