The function plots in MATLAB® allows you to easily visualize functions:
This "eziplot" will create an interactive plot where all of the parameters become tunable. Just pass the function as an anonymous function, and it will automatically detect the parameters.
Any of the following function plots are supported: ezcontour, ezcontourf, ezmesh, ezmeshc, ezplot, ezplot3, ezpolar, ezsurf, ezsurfc, fplot
Created in R2008a, but should work in older releases.
a = 1;
eziplot({@(x) sin(a*x)});
a = 1;
b = 2;
f2 = @(t) a*sin(b*t);
f3 = @(t) b*cos(a*t);
eziplot({f2, f3})
a = 1;
b = 1;
f4 = @(x,y) y./(1 + a*x.^2 + b*y.^2);
eziplot({f4}, 'plotfcn', 'ezmeshc');
Cita come
Jiro Doke (2025). EZIPLOT (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .
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