Piecewise Hermite Cubic Interpolation
Piecewise Hermite cubic interpolation between 2 points knowing derivative values
Syntax: y=p3hermite(x,pointx,pointy,yprime,plt)
pointx = data points of the independent variable
(The points do not have to be equally spaced)
pointy = data points of the dependent variable. pointy is the value of
the function at pointx
yprime = data points of the dependent variable's derivative. yprime is the
derivative of the function at pointx
x = an arbitrary vector that will be interpolated
plt = If plt is a number greater than 0 it will plot the interpolation
employing the number in plt as handle for the figure
-This function returns the piecewise interpolation "y" of a vector "x".
The algorithm employs two adjacent points (from pointx) and interpolates
with a Hermite cubic polynomial using the function values and the corresponding derivatives.
-pointx, pointy, and yprime must be vectors with the same number of elements.
"x" and "y" have the same number of elements.
Written by Juan Camilo Medina 2011
Suppose you have the values of a function "y(x)" at the points xi={0,4,9},
those are yi={2,-2,sqrt(2)} respectively. You also know the values of the
derivative of y(x) at the same points (pointx) yi'=[0,0,-pi/(2*sqrt(2))] respectively.
You want to interpolate within those values with an arbitrary vector "x"
using piecewise cubic Hermite polynomials
pointy=[2,-2,sqrt(2)]; %function values at pointx
yprime=[0,0,-pi/(2*sqrt(2))]; %derivative of the function at pointx
x=0:0.01:pointx(end); % arbitrary vector to be interpolated
y_ex=2*cos(pi/4*x); % exact value (y corresponds to y=2*cos(pi/4*x))
plot(x,y_ex,'--k'); axis tight; % plots exact solution for comparison
legend('Interpolation Points','Hermite Interpolation','Exact Value','Location','Southeast')
Written by Juan Camilo Medina - The University of Notre Dame
Cita come
Juan Camilo Medina (2025). Piecewise Hermite Cubic Interpolation (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/30763-piecewise-hermite-cubic-interpolation), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .
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Windows macOS LinuxCategorie
- MATLAB > Mathematics > Interpolation >
Ispirato da: Lagrange polynomial interpolation
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