
package for PIV analysis from a command line
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Aggiornato 11 set 2014

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Package for measurements of the velocity field (or particle displacement) using PIV technique. It has following features:
- used from command line (no GUI); suitable for implementation in software with broader scope
- relatively fast, especially if previous velocity field can be used as velocity guess for the next image pair (increasing evaluation speed in the case of time-resolved PIV)
- *** NEW ***: able to distribute treatment of a large data set to multiple Matlab instances (for faster treatment using multiple processors or computers - see example 06b)
- multipass, multigrid algorithm, with image deformation
- multipass validation of velocity vectors
- each image might have its individual mask (suitable for studying flow around a moving body)
- includes several examples demonstrating its use
- accuracy proved by processing images from 3rd PIVChallenge (see examples 04, 07, 08a and 08b)
- includes a subroutine for visualization of results
- Modify one of examples (files example_0x_xxxx.m in PIVsuite v.0.83 folder) to meet your needs.
- This is a beta version.
- Examples in html format can be found in PIVsuite v.0.83/html foder.
- Examples 4, 7, 8a and 8b demonstrates the accuracy on PIVChallenge images. Before running these examples, download image files from PIVChallenge.org (link is provided in the corresponding examples).


This software is largely inspired by PIVlab by William Thielicke. Sample images for flow around a cylinder come also from his contribution.

This package uses
- inpaint_nans.m by John D'Errico
- inpaint_nans3.m by John D'Errico
- inpaintn.m by Damien Garcia
- smoothn.m by Damien Garcia
- idctn.m by Damien Garcia

PIVsuite is developped by Jiri Vejrazka, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague. Development is supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (project LD 13018). Some parts of the software were developped with support of Czech Science Foundation (P101/11/0806).

Cita come

Jiri Vejrazka (2025). PIVsuite (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/45028-pivsuite), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2014a
Compatibile con qualsiasi release
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

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Versione Pubblicato Note della release

- some mistyping fixed

- job management added (allows treatment using multiple computers)
- IMPORTANT: in v.0.83 or above, paths to files should be specified using slash (/) as folder separator, even in Windows. Do not use backslash (\) or filesep!

- unneeded files deleted

- examples processing PIVChallenge images included
- MinMax image preprocessing added
- windowing functions added
- cross-correlation can be evaluated using now also using direct numerical convolution (faster in final passes)
- code clean-up

2014-01-15: Organization included in the license.