Rosin Thresholding

Implementation of paper "Unimodal thresholding"
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Aggiornato 7 feb 2014

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% best_idx = RosinThreshold(hist_img)
% Implementation of Rosin Thresholding.
% Compute the Rosin threshold for an image
% Takes histogram of an image filtered by any edge detector as as input
% and return the index which corresponds to the threshold in histogram
% REF: "Unimodal thresholding" by Paul L. Rosin (2001)
function best_idx = RosinThreshold(hist_img)

% find best threshold

[peak_max, pos_peak] = max(hist_img);
p1 = [pos_peak, peak_max];

% find last non-empty bin
ind_nonZero = find(hist_img>0);
last_zeroBin = ind_nonZero(end);
p2 = [last_zeroBin, hist_img(last_zeroBin)];
best_idx = -1;
max_dist = -1;
for x0 = pos_peak:last_zeroBin
y0 = hist_img(x0);
a = p1 - p2;
b = [x0,y0] - p2;
cross_ab = a(1)*b(2)-b(1)*a(2);
d = norm(cross_ab)/norm(a);
best_idx = x0;
max_dist = d;

Cita come

Sajid Khan (2024). Rosin Thresholding (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2013b
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Windows macOS Linux

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