
Video Player with visualization and interactive reading.
567 download
Aggiornato 10 feb 2016

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To play a video, where you select the file with a pop-up dialog:
Mouse interface:
drag and scrol. Drag seekbar, scroll in video view to zoom, and drag video view to pan.
Keyboard interface:
Q/A - increase/decrease speed of playback
P/space - toggle pause
Arrow Keys (L/R) - move one frame (forward/backward)
To interactively choose a specific frame to load:
[fr, macroDat, im] = FancyFlowPlayer;
"im" is the last image viewed, "fr" is scalar, frame number when quitting, "macroDat" is a structure of information about the video.
The Player can visualize motion data saved with the FlowToolbox:
this displays further information on the saved motion. Example:
FancyFlowPlayer('Test'); % assumes a save folder "Test" in current directory

Cita come

Stefan Karlsson (2025). FancyFlowPlayer (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2013a
Compatibile con qualsiasi release
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

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Versione Pubblicato Note della release

- Interest markers can now be added to the video to keep track of positions. This is possible for both video and flow visualization.
- added a small function "makeIms.m" that shows how the FancyFlowPlayer can be used to visualize iterative image data

implemented a kind of adaptive frame delay, to better maintain target framerate, and reduce choppiness in playback

bugfix: a bug causeing frame-rate modifications to temporary lag up the player
new feature: displays the target frame rate in text in the player

bugfix: properly display video at given frame rate
bugfix: fixed a crash issue

bugfix: correctly display location of played video in title bar
added feature: remembers previous location of loaded files

added Screen shot