A technique to seperate books from a shelf and read characters from it

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A Matlab code to detect books from a shelf and extract only the text from it
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Aggiornato 28 gen 2016

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A Matlab code is written to detect books from a shelf and extract only the text from it.
How to run ??
1. Unzip and place the 'Library Stuff' in the path of Matlab and add all the folders to the path of it. (Use Right Click)
2. Run try_new.m
3. Observe the books are seperated
4. Enter the book no. you wish to visualize
5. Observe the text characters

The code is loosely based on the following two papers, please cite the below and give credit to the authors:
[1] Jubair, Mohammad Imrul, and Priyanjana Banik. "A technique to detect books from library bookshelf image." Computational Cybernetics (ICCC), 2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on. IEEE, 2013.

Suggestions and comments are always welcome

Thanks in advance,

Manu B.N

Cita come

Manu BN (2024). A technique to seperate books from a shelf and read characters from it (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/55134-a-technique-to-seperate-books-from-a-shelf-and-read-characters-from-it), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

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