ZigZag Scan any N*N Matrix (bloc of image)

Versione 2.0 (1,76 KB) da Said BOUREZG
ZigZagscan.m Transform an matrix to a vector using Zig Zag Scan.
941 download
Aggiornato 1 mag 2017

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ZigZagscan Transform an matrix to a vector using Zig Zag Scan.
% VECT = ZIGZAGSCAN(MATRIX) reorganize the input Matrix and output it as a vector.
% Example:
% X=[1 2 3
% 4 5 6
% 7 8 9]
% X =
% 1 2 3
% 4 5 6
% 7 8 9
% ZigZagscan(X)=
% 1 2 4 7 5 3 6 8 9

Cita come

Said BOUREZG (2024). ZigZag Scan any N*N Matrix (bloc of image) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/56332-zigzag-scan-any-n-n-matrix-bloc-of-image), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

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Creato con R2010a
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Windows macOS Linux

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