Aspen Plus - Matlab Link

This file outline the Aspen Plus and Matlab connection through COM Technology.
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Aggiornato 23 giu 2024

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Simulation of chemical process is essential to develop sustainable designs. Nowadays, with the competitiveness in the markets, it demands the optimal operation of any chemical plant. In the new designs of chemical processes, design optimization is mandatory.
Matlab is a program widely used and accepted by the academic community. Academics daily load codes with advanced numerical methods of great application for engineering. Advanced optimization methods must be taken into account to apply them in the optimal design of chemical processes. Therefore, the connection between chemical process simulation programs (Aspen Plus, Hysys, Pro II, etc.) and tools such as Matlab are very useful.
Also, several people have written me to the email requesting an example. See post in ResearchGate:
I present an example of connection between Aspen Plus V.10.0 and Matlab. The simulation corresponds to a reactive distillation column. As an application of the connection, a sensitivity analysis is done using Matlab (for loop).
Its only necessary to place the two files in a folder and run the AspenPlus_Matlab.m
Simulation file (Aspen Plus V.10.0) in:
Requires Aspen Plus V.10.0 software

Cita come

Andrés F. Abril (2025). Aspen Plus - Matlab Link (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2017b
Compatibile con R2016a e release successive
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

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Versione Pubblicato Note della release

Sim link updated.


Drive Link of the simulation (Aspen Plus File) Included in the comments.
