Wireless Charging Vehicle Routing and Velocity Prediction

Here We propose a model with both Routing and velocity assignment using Random Search Optimization Method.
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Aggiornato 15 feb 2020

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Work Flow:
1. System model
a. Node initialization and assign sink node
b. initialize the vehicle and their coverage Range and velocity
2. optimized Routing Length with constraints
3. Optimal Velocity using Temporal and spatial Relationship
4. plot the output

Cita come

Amburose Sekar (2025). Wireless Charging Vehicle Routing and Velocity Prediction (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/74266-wireless-charging-vehicle-routing-and-velocity-prediction), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

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Creato con R2015a
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Windows macOS Linux
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