Advanced Scroll Subplot Function

Scrollsubplot704 with dynamic range of time (x) axis, with subplot handling.
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Aggiornato 16 ago 2005

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Further development of scrollsubplot(), scrollplotdemo() and scrollplot().

In this version a figure handling and autoplot function is implemented.

The new subplot handling inspired by Benoit Cantin allows to plot several signals of the same length and scroll them simultaniously.

The usage is now also more simplyfied:
Example 3:
[fh ah] = scrollsubplot704(3,x,[y' y' y'],[],'on');

For more information, please read the comments inside the file.

Cita come

Wolfgang Stiegmaier (2025). Advanced Scroll Subplot Function (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R14SP2
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Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

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