PX4 Custom Sensor Serial Telemetry via Simulink

Custom Telemetry over Serial with PX4 Autopilots Support Package for UAV Toolbox in Simulink
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Aggiornato 13 set 2021
Custom Telemetry over Serial with PX4 Autopilots Support Package for UAV Toolbox in Simulink
This is a demonstration video showing the steps to sample some analog signal, combine with other necessary data and send them through TELEM1 over Serial.
•Sample Angle of Attack and Sideslip Potentiometer using ADC Inputs
Read Airspeed and Temperature from Pitot Sensor
Get Barometer data
Broadcast the telemetry data packets in custom format over serial port
Retrieve and decode the data using Simulink
Youtube Tutorial:

Cita come

Alireza Ghaderi (2025). PX4 Custom Sensor Serial Telemetry via Simulink (https://github.com/alireza787b/PX4_Simulink_Custom_Telemetry_Demo/releases/tag/1.0), GitHub. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2021a
Compatibile con R2021a e release successive
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

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