Basic Looping Help Please?
Try using a |while| loop instead of a |for| loop.

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Help with Fourier transform fft
function [ X,f,t ] = mydft(x,Fs) % Assumes x is an N x 1 column vector % and Fs is the sampling rate. ...

quasi 10 anni fa | 1

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Help plotting parametric equations
MATLAB is case sensitive. So please try plot(X,Y); Also, please use |./| instead of |/| in the two equations.

quasi 10 anni fa | 4

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how can I apply low pass filter to a time series data
>> doc fdatool >> doc filter >> doc designfilt

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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Programmatically create annotation with hyperlink
Here are a few links that should help: * <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/make-an-annotation-interactive.html#bt89s...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

synthesize PSD, scaling and units of ifft(X)
ASD = sqrt(PSD*fs/N);

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Why no APSK Modulation in matlab ?
Please check out this item on <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/31039-dvb-s2-getting-signal-constellations-an...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

i have a large matrix whose elements is 1 and 0; how to conver each row to decimal ,like bin2dec
N = size(Qbinnum,2); k = ((N-1):-1:0)'; v = 2.^k; cgroup = Qbinnum*v;

quasi 10 anni fa | 1

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Natural frequency by 'damp(sys)'
% Undamped natural frequency (radians per second): omega_0 = sqrt(10); % Attenuation coefficient (radians per sec...

quasi 10 anni fa | 1

FFT not working on periodic data!?!?!?
Please try converting the source data to zero mean before taking the FFT: mu = mean(msum2(:)); msum2 = msum2 - mu; ...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

How do I compare two large matrices?
N = size(x,2); u = ones(1,N); d = abs(x - y*u); v = sort(d); z = v(1:10,:);

quasi 10 anni fa | 1

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Problem about Output in a txt file?How to solve it
Open the file with permission set to _append_: fileID = fopen('exp.txt','a');

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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Simple Error: Too many input arguments
You need a pair of square brackets: answer=input(['You just told me that you are ', age, 'is that correct? -> '], 's');

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

How to go from frequency response of simple delay to impulse response.
Fs = 2000; N = 12000; dF = Fs/N; f = (-Fs/2:dF:Fs/2-dF)'; tau = 5; H = exp(-1i*2*pi*f*tau); h =...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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How i can call a function 100 time?
for k = 1:100 ... ... end

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

index exceed matrix dimensions
Please try changing the line for kb=1:size(y) to the following: for kb=1:size(z) Also, please correct th...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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Signals Question difference equation: Write a function y=diffeqn(a,x,yn1) which computes the output y[n] determined by the first-order system y[n]=ay[n-1]+x[n]
Here's a start. Create a file called |diffeqn.m| and insert the following code: function y = diffeqn(a,x,yn1) % ...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

How to convert matlab code to VHDL code?
<http://www.mathworks.com/products/hdl-coder/ HDL Coder>

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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12 bit binary generator
You can easily write your own using the *<http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/matlabfunction.html?searchHighlight=matla...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Insert an identity matrix into a larger dimension of null matrix
N = diag([0 0 1 1 1])

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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How to repeat the use of a function?
You need to create the figure and axes in the script before you call the function that does the plotting. You should pass the a...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

user input into simulink model
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/model-callbacks.html Model Callback Functions>

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Definition and Computation of Power Spectral density with FFT
Why don't you use MATLAB to experiment with several different approaches on one or more very simple test signals, like pure tone...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Calculating impulse response of RLC circuit
omega_0 = 1/sqrt(L*C); alpha = R/L; zeta = alpha/omega_0; Q = omega_0/(2*alpha); if alpha > omega_0 ...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/fromworkspace.html From Workspace> block.

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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How to display the value of a variable used in a Constant (Simulink) block under it?
Please review the following: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/block-properties-dialog-box.html Block Properties D...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

how to dynamically pause the matlab into debugging while execution by a Gui?
Create a callback function for the "go to debugging" checkbox. Inside the callback, include the command dbstop; When f...

quasi 10 anni fa | 1

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Flip the Bit vector

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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Trying to Create a Riemann Sum function from scratch, keep getting function error.
Please type the following at the MATLAB Command Prompt: F = @(x) 2*x; R = RiemannSum(F,1,10);

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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