GUIDE, calling functions
When you are using the guide it is actually a gui for making gui's. What you are actually doing is making an m-file and this m-f...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

Matlab is very clear here; your dimensions mitmatch: size(CDF(:,j))=[20,1] while size(horzcat(E(:,j),P(:,j)))=[20,2]. Anothe...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

GUIDE, calling functions
A gui is just some visualization of some m-file. If you want to call a separate m-file you have to call it in the first one. ...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

Implementation of Matrix Division in Matalb
Sleijpen and Van der Vorst 1996 estimate the computation costs of direct methods as N^2.3 with memory costs N^1.7, while iterati...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

| accettato

finding focal length of mobile camera
The magnification of a positive lens is M=f/(f-v) (see wikipedia), with f the focal length and v the distance of the center of t...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

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interact with web browser from Matlab
Maybe this link will help: <http://mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29642-get-html-table-data-into-matlab-via-urlread-an...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

problem with a line
Just type doc pwelch and everything you need is there. If I remember correctly a power spectrum discards the phase infor...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

How can I remove the dc component from an Image?
class input for fft2 should be double or single and you are using unit8. I get no errors, but this is probably not the fft2 you ...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

Matlab imshow
this gives an error with imsubstract because the images are not of the same size.

circa 13 anni fa | 0

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write output to a .txt or .mat file
m=34; n=42; N=205; A=zeros(m*N,42); for j=1:N %load matrix B, don't know how you saved it, so just assuming you do ...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

Statusbar parallel with computation and motors
To clarify a few things: 1) you have 3 for-loops (indexes i, r and p) where the first includes the others. Where exactly doe yo...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

Statusbar parallel with computation and motors
I addapted the example in the statusbar.m to show you can have them active simultaniously: f=statusbar('Wait some seconds ....

circa 13 anni fa | 0

fitting function of two variables
If you have a predevined function, f(x,y) with unknown coefficients, you can find those with the optimalization toolbox. If ...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

How to set the Attribute possition in a annotation of type rectangle
Your annotation (the highlighted rectangle) has little to do with your axes in which you specify the grid. You can see it yourse...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Matlab build in qr decomposition
It is very hard to make an algorithm more efficient than Matlab-build in codes. But you can use some straigth-forward linear alg...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

write output to a .txt or .mat file
If you save and reload your data with y=load(); you have a structure file anyhow. If you want to save your variables i...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

count the number of columns 0 and 1 in a barcode image column 0 is black bars and 1 is a white bars
Hey, convert it to logical class and then sum over a column (or columns). If your image is variable Im, go to logical with ...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

conversion from double to struct
if it is a real sound file like x=load('handel') x = y: [73113x1 double] Fs: 8192 you will have a str...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

Can I concatenate histogram?
If you are using hist to produce histograms, the result will be an array (or matrix, but in that case matlab treats the colums o...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

Simple Integration
Bibha, It get this answer for your third line (note also that on line two a right bracket is missing). second = infin...

circa 13 anni fa | 0


Finds the corresponding frequency array for a homogeneous spaced vector.

oltre 13 anni fa | 2 download |