Unstable streaming from external device
I suggest you to use |serial| as in <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/matlab_external/bytesavailablefcn.html>. Here is how...

quasi 14 anni fa | 0

Ouputting for loop into a matrix
Try this: Ci=0.1:0.1:30; Cd=0.1:0.1:30; y=zeros(numel(Ci), numel(Cd)); for i=1:numel(Ci) for j=1:numel(Cd) y...

quasi 14 anni fa | 1

USRP N210 Interfacing
No. Currently USRP N210 (it uses UHD) cannot be run in Simulink.

quasi 14 anni fa | 2

DSSS Plotting
Try this: plot(20*log(abs(fft(DSSS_time_domain_signal))))

quasi 14 anni fa | 0

How to find the maximal and minimal derivatives of noisy signals?
*Differentiator filter* should satisfy your needs. You can use it in your mfile - <http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/filter...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Uitable's properties
you can simply check the set of properties via: hT=uitable; get(hT)

circa 14 anni fa | 1

| accettato


May I buy idyvidual commercial license in other country I live?
I found that within EU there are significant differences in pricing (incl. tax rates and currency exchange). So the question is....

circa 14 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0




How to mask an email address using m-code?
For example my email could be masked as follows: [char([21 8 4 13 8 0 21 0]+97) '@gmail.com'] But this is trivial and very r...

circa 14 anni fa | 5 risposte | 1



[DISCONTINUED] Wish-list for MATLAB Answer sections.
* replace *votes* by *voting points* IMHO, voting should be connected with reputation (of a person who does the act of voting ...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

want m fille
<http://www.mathworks.com/products/wavelet/demos.html Wavelet Toolbox demos>

circa 14 anni fa | 0

How do I divide an image into blocks for processing?
Suppose *|I|* is your image matrix. Trivial way is shown below: s=size(I); wing=1; % ;) bs=2*wing+1; % block...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

handling audio files
Check this out: % v1, v2 - two vectors are given len1=length(v1); len2=length(v2); % LEN=min(len1, len2); V1...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Vector scope.
The problem is in similar wave duration time and sampling time. You may increase your rate of simulation or slow your waveform....

circa 14 anni fa | 1

power spectral density of image
Try this: imagesc( log10(abs(fftshift(fft2(Picture))).^2 ))

circa 14 anni fa | 0

normalisation of frequency axis while using fft function in matlab
You must know frequency sampling, *Fs* . Look at this code: Fs= ; % insert here your frequency sampling in Hz L=length(Va...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

| accettato

1D array, elements are 2D matrix [test]
What about this: Y(:,:,1)

circa 14 anni fa | 0

delimiter usage
It seems to be impossible to use two-spaces-delimiter. You can try make your own *|dlmwrite|* function by edit the original. T...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

| accettato

Application of the Sptool filter
Your generated mfile suppose to look like this %UNTITLED Returns a discrete-time filter object. % M-File generated by MATLA...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

| accettato

RATS command effect: how to explain?
|rats()| gives an output as string. So the ans you gave is a result of substraction of two strings. rats(0.3)= ' 3/10...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Auto Simulate Simulink Model
Iam not sure what kind of automation you need. You may use |timer()| object: tim1=timer('TimerFcn', ' sim(''YourSimulation.md...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Two 'eval' statements in a single command?
This should satisfy your need: for j=1:13 for i=1:4 eval(['var',num2str(j),'(i,:)=simulation',num2str(i),'(j,:)...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

| accettato

How do I edit or delete the data in a uitable?
You can always "physically" delete row-data: A=rand(4,3); th=uitable('Data', A); A(4,:)=[]; set(th, 'Data', A); ...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

| accettato

Candlestick question
If V is your 1x360214 data vector: seg=4000; segments=floor(length(V)/seg); V=V(1: (segments*seg) ); AlgoMatrix=resh...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Conditional plotting, changing color of line based on value.
To control colour of any segment of plot you should use |line()| >> doc line

circa 14 anni fa | 0

How to name an array or series of arrays in a pattern?
var1=11234742; prefix='Signal_'; eval([prefix num2str(var1) '=' num2str(var1)]);

circa 14 anni fa | 0

ASsign Array element

circa 14 anni fa | 0

| accettato

How to compare in matlab
Try this: TestA=( A(1,:) == k); TestA is a logic vector or this TestVec=find( A(1,:) == k); TestVec - is a vector contai...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

How to make a list of user's reputation ? :)
for linux users (because command |system()| is involved): str1='Reputation: '; str2='">'; ANSWERS=cell(10000,2); A...

circa 14 anni fa | 0


How to make a list of user's reputation ? :)
?: <<http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/5166/rankingo.png>>

circa 14 anni fa | 4 risposte | 3



loop algebraic and variable signal
You may try to insert <http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/simulink/slref/unitdelay.html unit delay block> <<http://www.mat...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

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